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Monday - Friday   6.00 - 15.00

Pause for dispensing goods

11.00 - 11.30 hod.


Monday - Friday   7.00 - 15.00


MEVA-TEC s.r.o.
Chelčického 1228
413 01 Roudnice n.L.
phone: + 420 416 823 179, 171
IČ: 62742051
DIČ: CZ62742051


Park bench EKO



In Stock: 0 pcs.
Availability: ON REQUEST
Product no.: 7971

Full specifications

Material - Steel/polymer
Weight - 70 kg
6x polymer slat (W x H) - 110 x 40 mm
Length - 1800 mm
Depth - 440 mm
Height (seat) - 845 (440) mm

- Bench frame is made of steel, seat and backrest is made of plastic polymer slats.
- The frame is coated with epoxy base layer and polyester grey powder upper layer varnish.
- The seat and backrest part is made of 6x plastic slats with dimensions – Lx W x H – 1800 x 110 x 40 mm.
- The bench is made of recycled material and do not require any maintenance, do not rot and no drying.
- The bench do not have cracks, splinters and is moisture-resistant.
- The bench is resistant to weather influences.
- Can be anchored – holes in frame feet.

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