Introduction » Prod. plants equipment » Cleaning and hygiene » First-aid kits » First-aid box contents - warehouse/shop
Product no. / Goods name: | ||||
7582 First-aid box contents - office |
7584 First-aid box contents - production |
According to the Civil Code, Act No. 262/2006 Coll., § 103 letter j), an employer is obliged to ensure the first aid provision. And so, each employer´s obligation is to equip the workplace with a necessary number of first-aid boxes and to ensure their availability during all the working hours. At the moment there is not any legal regulation or another health standard in the Czech Republic as for the first-aid kid contents. The contents of first-aid kits should be determined according to the risks arising from work activities and should be consulted with the organization contract doctor. The contents of first-aid kits have been designed with the help of rescue service experts and traumatological ward doctors and divided into individual specific workplaces according to the accident risk.
First-aid box contents WAREHOUSE-SHOP is suitable for all workplaces and plants where handling of goods takes place, such as warehouses, shop premises and similar workplaces with an increased rate risk of injury. The contents include a basic range of medical and bandage material including washout solution in case of eye contact with a dangerous substance.
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