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Introduction » Waste containers » Hazardous waste containers » Accessories » Heating case for IBC with two thermostats


Heating case for IBC with two thermostats




In Stock: 4 pcs.
Product no.: 7539

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Full specifications

M.dimension (mm) - 4400x1000
Power (V) - 230
Perfomance (W) -  2x1000

- At common temperature most of substances have high viscosity and their draining from IBC container is difficult. Some liquid often remains in the container thus causing raw material waste.
- Therefore the heating jacket for IBC container is ideal solution as for fast and effective heating of liquids and materials. Just through the heating the substances become less dense and their draining is easier.
- Single zone heating coat with thermostat of 0-40 °C temperature range – it ensures very quick and safe heating of fluid and maintaining the required viscosity of the container content.
- Structure of IBC containers heating jackets is designed with the requirement of low weight, high durability and resistance. Using quick-release clasps it is possible to fix the container to almost any IBC container.
- Jackets are suitable for heating various liquids, e.g. water, resins, oils, diesel oil and many other liquids.
- Standardly delivered with digital thermostat.

Technical specifications:

    • Made of polyester
    • Insulated silicone spiral reeled to a resistance element
    • Adjustable buckles for quick assembly and disassembly
    • Power supply cable 3 m long without a plug



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