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Introduction » Prod. plants equipment » Mats » Higt - duty mat 0,9x1,5/12,5


Higt - duty mat 0,9x1,5/12,5




In Stock: 0 pcs.
Availability: ON REQUEST
Product no.: 4198

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Full specifications

MAIN DIMENSIONS w x d / h (m/mm) - 0,9x1,5/12,5
Colour - black
Version - hem 2x short, 1x long

- Perfect effect in oily greasy places.
- The mat is made from natural SBR rubber and nitrile.
- Extra resistance to the majority of oils and greases.
- The mats can be connected in runners of 0.9 and 1.5 m width.
- High circular surface provides for perfect anti-skid protection and protection against the breaking of glass.
- Spilled liquids leak through its slots and the surface thus remains dry and safe.
- Conforms with the anti-skid standard EN 13552 of R10 category.
- Surface comfortable for standing.
Placing: Suitable particularly in industry, tool shops, assembly lines, but also in bars, kitchens etc.

Positive effect of the mat on a body:
- Decreases the pressure on spine.
- Supports the blood circulation.
- Prevention to the stiffness of joints and muscles.
- Alleviates the stiffness of neck and shoulders.
- Alleviates the pain in heels and insteps.

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