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Monday - Friday   6.00 - 15.00

Pause for dispensing goods

11.00 - 11.30 hod.


Monday - Friday   7.00 - 15.00


MEVA-TEC s.r.o.
Chelčického 1228
413 01 Roudnice n.L.
phone: + 420 416 823 179, 171
IČ: 62742051
DIČ: CZ62742051

Introduction » Oil system » Filling stations, Pumps » Pumps » Electric pumps » Pump set for barrels – 12 V


Pump set for barrels – 12 V




In Stock: 1
Product no.: 8259

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Full specifications

Connecting cable - 3 m
Connection with container - G 2” outer
                                      - barrel adapter M 64 x 4 outer
Connection for dispensing - G 1” outer
Drive - axial
Flow - 38 l/min
Max. dispensing height - 15 m
Suction height - 2,5 m
Set weight - 4,5 kg

Voltage - 12 V DC
Power consumption - 14 A
Output - 0,18 kW
Rpm during back-pressure 0,5 bar - 6950 rpm
Construction type - IMB5
Protection class - IP 44
Pump material - PA

- The pumping set is designed for containers of capacity from 200 l to 1000 l.
- Equipped with a backlit ON / OFF switch and a motor with a thermal sensor.
- Siphon protection according to WHG (water management Act).
- Dispensing hose of 4 m length, DN 19, G 1” outer, G 1” inner.
- Telescopic suction tube with brass suction basket.
- The pump is very light and quiet, resistant to light contamination in the pumped liquid.
- The liquid level can be manually drawn into the operating level.
- The pump can be used manually in the event of a power failure.

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