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MEVA-TEC s.r.o.
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Introduction » Urban facilities » Flowerpots » Rectangular container for plants 1000x300x300 mm


Rectangular container for plants 1000x300x300 mm




In Stock: 0 pcs.
Product no.: 3946

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Full specifications

M.dimension (mm) - 1000x300x300
Capacity substrate/watering/reserve for water (l) - 40+20+7
Weight (kg) - 5,7

- Plastic flowerpots are used most often for decoration of squares, city entrances, roundabouts or as independent dominant features. They can be applied for street lighting poles, railings, bridge structures, house facades, etc.

- Pots are made from high density polyethylene by rotary method which ensures their high mechanic impact resistance, shape stability during temperatures from -65 °C up to +85 °C. Material coloured throughout ensures colour stability, anti graffiti finish resistance to vandalism.

- Container double-cased version reduces evaporation of water, reduces watering requirement almost to one half and this way it decreases maintenance costs. Water reserve is created between walls of the containers which is used little by little for gradual irrigation. Flowerpots are equipped with overflow holes for excess water outflow and holes for reserve water discharge in case of cleaning the slot between the container walls.

- Rounded lips in the shape of wave ensure perfect appearance of plants. UV stable, recyclable material, guarantee of 10 years.

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