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Monday - Friday   6.00 - 15.00

Pause for dispensing goods

11.00 - 11.30 hod.


Monday - Friday   7.00 - 15.00


MEVA-TEC s.r.o.
Chelčického 1228
413 01 Roudnice n.L.
phone: + 420 416 823 179, 171
IČ: 62742051
DIČ: CZ62742051


THUNDER cooker




In Stock: 1 592 pcs
Product no.: UKP06001

Related products

Full specifications

EAN - 5060006140635
Estimated cartridge life -g - 227 g - 1 h 20 min
Length (mm) - 370
Width (mm) - 130
Height (mm) - 290
Weight (kg) - 2
Gas consumption (g/h) - 160
Power (kW) - 2.2

Portable cooker designed for outdoor use in a practical plastic case for easy transport and protection of the cooker from damage.
The wind bracing plate is made of stainless steel, which ensures a long service life and makes the cooker very easy to maintain.
The cooker meets the strictest European safety criteria and is equipped with a cartridge overheating safety device, which automatically disconnects the cartridge from the system in case the cartridge temperature rises above the safe limit.
The control knob is equipped with a zero position lock, which prevents gas leakage caused by careless handling.
The ventilation of the cartridge space is also increased by more than 50%.
It uses disposable valve cartridges (UKP02002).

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