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MEVA-TEC s.r.o.
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Introduction » Prod. plants equipment » Worktables » For assembly » Work table container - 1x drawer, 1x case


Work table container - 1x drawer, 1x case




In Stock: 2 pcs.
Product no.: 3436

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Full specifications

Main dimesion (mm) - 810x700x500
Number of drawers/shelves - 1/1


Professionally mounted work tables. Wide range of segments enables to assemble versions by the customer's requests. The table base is formed by its work surface in two lengths, stretchers in firm or adjustable version, cabinets and containers. Stretchers and containers are screwed directly to the bottom part of the table work surface. Cabinets and containers 810 mm high form a table leg at the same time. When using segments 810 mm high or firm stretchers the table total height is 850 mm, if using a set with two stretchers, it is suitable to connect the stretcher with appropriate brace. Table work surface load capacity is 500 kg, individual drawer / shelf load capacity is 80 / 60 kg.

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