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MEVA-TEC s.r.o.
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Introduction » Handling equipment » Ramps platforms » Collapsible aluminium platform 550x1000mm


Collapsible aluminium platform 550x1000mm




In Stock: 0 pcs.
Product no.: 3780

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Full specifications

LENGTH (mm) - 2754
WIDTH (mm) - 1000
MAX. DROP (mm) - 550 
LOAD CAPACITY (kg) - 400
WEIGHT (kg) - 38

- They are an ideal solution to ensure loading or barrier-free access mainly for companies working in building industry or logistics.
- Portable platforms offer a very efficient solution with regard to their maximum safety and easy assembly.
- Platform is in a vehicle in vertical position during the journey.
- It is fastened to the vehicle floor by means of a pair of fastening devices enabling its easy assembly and disassembly to the vehicle without using tools. At the same time the platform is equipped with safety belts serving for its fastening in vertical position against swings arising during the journey. The platform is equipped with rubber silentblocks avoiding origination of sound effects resulting from shocks and vibrations during the journey. - Platform operation is very simple and can be performed easily by one person. Exertion while handling the platform is low thanks to used gas strut.
- Platform unfolding is carried out after unfastening safety straps and releasing latches fastening the platform in its vertical position against unprompted unfolding. The platform is fitted for handling during its unfolding with ergonomic plastic grab handles on both sides.

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