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MEVA-TEC s.r.o.
Chelčického 1228
413 01 Roudnice n.L.
phone: + 420 416 823 179, 171
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Introduction » Waste containers » Waste contain.with bottom dump » Laminate containers model H-B 1,1m3 - others


Laminate containers model H-B 1,1m3 - others



In Stock: 0 pcs.
Product no.: 6780-3

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Full specifications

- Manufactured from high quality materials with top gel-coated laminate surface. The surface keeps its colour stability enabling easy surface cleaning, even of sprays. 
-  All metal components are zinc coated. The emptying mechanism is provided with metal rods of 12 mm diameter or chains.
- Containers for glass may be equipped with anti-noise option in accordance with TÜV.
- Containers for paper may be equipped with fire-protection.
- New design of the fibreglass containers.
- Square base of the container enables the maximum space utilization.
- According to the sort of waste the containers are provided with appropriate insert holes.

Waste sort - others
Capacity (m3) - 1,1 
Main Dimensions (mm) - 1000x1000x1240 
Weight (kg) - 65 
Insert height (mm) - 1150

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