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Monday - Friday   6.00 - 15.00

Pause for dispensing goods

11.00 - 11.30 hod.


Monday - Friday   7.00 - 15.00


MEVA-TEC s.r.o.
Chelčického 1228
413 01 Roudnice n.L.
phone: + 420 416 823 179, 171
IČ: 62742051
DIČ: CZ62742051


Plastic bin 120 l - BIO




In Stock: 215 pcs.
Product no.: 0004-5BIO

Related products

Full specifications

Capacity (l) - 120
Dimensions (mm) - 480x540x945
Load capacity (kg) - 48
Weight (kg) - 7,5

Ventilation of side walls
- Intensive airing of side walls on both container sides.

Plastic grating at the container bottom
- It improves venting and permits separating liquid component from solid one. Plastic grating is fixed to the container.
At the same time it can be lifted off simply and the container under the grating can be cleaned.

- Solving BIO waste collection becomes not only a very attractive but also beneficial activity nowadays.
- On the basis of our clients requirements we have prepared quite a new container for BIO waste collection meeting the most modern trends.
- Waste weight and also its volume is reduced considerably by means of intensive ventilation. At the same time PH waste values ensuring a considerable smell reduction are changed during the ventilation process.

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