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MEVA-TEC s.r.o.
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Introduction » Waste containers » Rain water management » Rapid water filling system Gikabe


Rapid water filling system Gikabe




In Stock: 35 pcs.
Product no.: 8007

Full specifications

Material - Plastic
Filling capacity - 7-10 l
Filling time - 5 seconds
Weight - 1,9 kg
Width - 400 mm
Depth - 260 mm
Height - 450 mm

- Made of plastic material.
- Quick water-filling system Gikabe allows you to comfort pump water in the garden.
- During watering the garden in a traditional way, you do not have to wait for the bucket or watering can to be filled.
- It takes approximately 5 seconds after pressing the button at the top of the tank to fill a bucket or watering can.
- Before we empty the watering can, the Gikabe tank will be full again.
- No electrical power is required – the system is equipped with a hose connection.
- The system can be placed on the outside wall of the house at any height.

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