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MEVA-TEC s.r.o.
Chelčického 1228
413 01 Roudnice n.L.
phone: + 420 416 823 179, 171
IČ: 62742051
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Introduction » Waste containers » Rain water management » Underground rain water tank MONO 3000 l.


Underground rain water tank MONO 3000 l.




In Stock: 0 pcs.
Product no.: 7949

Related products

Full specifications

Material - Plastic
Capacity - 3000 l
Weight - 150 kg
Max. covering by soil - 1000 mm
Width - 2350 mm
Depth - 1400 mm
Height - 1900 mm

- Robust self-supporting construction made of one piece.
- Construction settles on the paved surface without need for concreting.
- Provided with integrated technological holes in the shaft space.
- Holes for water intake, connection to another tank or overflow.
- Seals are included.
- In the shaft part is preparation for mounting the built-in self-cleaning filter.
- Shaft cover with child lock to prevent easy or accidental opening.
- Provided with a warranty period of 10 years.

Accesories of type 7953, 7954 and 7955 can be ordered.
Pumping kits of type 7962 and 7963 can be ordered.

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