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Introduction » Waste containers » Containers for BIO and GASTRO » Containers for used oil » Used cooking oil tank 800 l - Olive Box


Used cooking oil tank 800 l - Olive Box




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Product no.: 7755

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Used cooking oil tank 240 l - Oliv Box

Full specifications

Weight (kg) - 65
M.dimension (mm) - 1150x1400x2350
Volume (l) - 800

- Large capacity container for collection of used oil solely in PET bottles. Pouring oil into the container is impossible.
- Container shape allows easy handling by means of a fork-lift truck. The container lid is equipped with a security lock. The container protection against overturning is by means of steel elements anchored to the ground.
- Made of HDPE resistant to UV radiation and weather influences.

Used cooking oil is highly polluting waste and its pouring away into a sewerage system pollutes the environment in a considerable way and mainly quality of surface water and groundwater. The oil poured into the sewerage system damages operation of water treatment plants and its sediments clog sewage pipes. Being lighter than water, oil film is created on its surface preventing oxygen passage and causing suffocation of water organisms and plants. In case of oil appearance in the soil the thin oil layer is created between soil particles and root system of plants reducing their ability to receive nutrients from the ground. In case of contamination of groundwater underlying rock drinking water quality is reduced in the long term. One litre of oil can contaminate up to one million litres of water. In the sewage pipes the sediments are deposited gradually and the pipes are clogged, moreover these sediments serve as food for rodents. Despite effort of sewage treatment plants, a large number of household oil comes into our rivers, lakes and groundwater all the time.

Oil suitable for recycling:
- cooking oil after frying or deep-frying (sunflower, rape, linseed, palm, olive oil and the like),
- oil serving as food pickle (tins of tuna, vegetable canned in oil etc.),
- vegetable fats. All these oils must be recycled to ensure the right waste recycling and protection of the environment in which we live.
- standardly delivered with English stickers (can be delivered with stickers in different language on demand for a fee).

Method of emptying the tank:
- the tank is suitable for collection yeards and other facilities equipped with fork-lift machinery with a rotational fork device. The tank does not contain any inner tank and in the lower part is equipped with openings for loading forks. After filling, the tank is transported to the collection point and lifted than turned over by means of a rotational device, which dumps PET bottles with used cooking oil,
- the tank can also be equipped with a custom-made so-called big bag with loops or a similar container (this solution is arranged by the customer individually depending on his needs). The PET bottles are then collected in a bag/container which is removed and emptied after filling, e.g. by a handling crane.

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